Flooding Resources click here
Vermont state helpline
Call or text 2-1-1.
If you need in-person assistance,
please reach out to Jessica, our Mobile Rural Resource Navigator, at jessica@uwlamoille.org or (802) 888-3252 x1
Lamoille area and state resources
If something should be added to this list or you need more cards directing people to this site email resources@uwlamoille.org.
Need to meet with someone?
Jessica, the Mobile Rural Resource Navigator, meets with community members in person to help them find the supports they need. Her schedule is:
- Breakfast On Us at the United Community Church of Morrisville: MON, 8 - 10am
- Breakfast On Us at the United Community Church of Morrisville: TUE, 8 - 10am
- Wolcott Public Library: TUE, 1 - 3pm
- Varnum Memorial Library in Jeffersonville: WED, 9 - 11am
- Hardwick Town Office (Memorial Room): FRI, 9 - 11:30am
Si quiere informacion en espanol, contacta Migrant Justice (802) 540-8370 o escriba un correo electronico a Sarah (leavesofchangevt@gmail.com).
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