Jessica, the Mobile Rural Resource Navigator, meets with community members in person to help them find the supports they need. Her schedule is:
- Breakfast On Us at the United Community Church of Morrisville: MON, 8 - 10am
- Breakfast On Us at the United Community Church of Morrisville: TUE, 8 - 10am
- Wolcott Public Library: TUE, 1 - 3pm
- Varnum Memorial Library in Jeffersonville: WED, 9 - 11am
- Hardwick Town Office (Memorial Room): FRI, 9 - 11:30am
Need help finding resources? The Mobile Rural Resource Navigator (MRRN) is here to help community members gain better access to resources and information. She can help clients access local and state services related to health, housing, transportation, food, heating and utilities bills, essential needs like clothing and home goods, employment, education, financial & tax assistance, etc. She is also a certified Health Assister, and can help clients to navigate the Vermont Health Connect system.
Stop in and talk with Jessica to see if she can assist you.

On the blog:
VESCU member? Vote for New Foundations and help us raise money for an important program. Read more to find out how.
A new participant experiences the joy of move-in day...
Find out why creating a savings habit is important when trying to achieve financial stability and how one New Foundations participant is doing just that!
A New Foundations participant is graduating from the program and moving into her new apartment!