Click here for mental health supports and therapists.
Youth employment/training opportunities: click here
Governor’s Institute of Vermont
Nine intensive, residential summer learning programs for teens hosted at college campuses all over the state each summer. Learn more and apply.
L.I.F.T. (LGBTQIA+ Inspiration and Friendship among Teens)
- Fourth Wednesday of every month at 3:30
- Starts March 23
- Ages 13-18
- Morristown Centennial Library
- For information: or 802-888-3853
Youth Sports
Healthy Lamoille Valley Youth Sports Hub
The Behavioral Health & Wellness Center
Outpatient treatment services for youth who are experiencing mental health, substance use, or psychiatric concerns.
- Individual and group counseling
- Medication management.
- Anxiety, depression, LGBTQ+ concerns, and more.
For group offerings or appointments: 802-888-8320 or visit their website. Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm.
Overcome Adversity & Thrive: A new therapeutic group opportunity for youth in Lamoille County. This group will focus on learning and implementing skills to: improve relationships, tolerate & survive crisis, experience the moment, and control emotions.
- Thursdays in March, 4-5 PM
- Behavioral Health and Wellness in Morrisville
- DBT informed
Lamoille Family Center
The Lamoille Family Center provides supports and programs for youth, teenagers, and young adults including:
- Runaway and homeless youth programs & shelter
- Prevention and stabilization services for youth and families (PSSYF)
802-888-5229 or
Lamoille Restorative Center
The Lamoille Restorative Center (LRC) supports teenagers and adults through restorative justice. For teenagers, LRC has programs that help young people transition successfully to adulthood. Programs include:
- Jump on Board for Success (JOBS): Helping youth (ages 16–22 with behavioral or emotional disabilities) find and maintain employment.
- Youth Development Program: Voluntary case management services for youth ages 14-23, who are, or have been, in the custody of the state through the Department for Children and Families (DCF), helping them transition from state custody and care to self-sufficiency and independent living.
- Balanced and Restorative Justice: Support for youth ages 10 through 18 who are on juvenile probation, at risk of becoming involved with the justice system, or struggling with school attendance.
- Lamoille Valley School Engagement Program: School-referred students and their families receive support for better school attendance and long-term educational success.
- Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP): An alternative to the civil court process for youth ages 16 through 20 who violate Vermont’s underage alcohol or marijuana laws.
Call 802-888-5871 or click here.
Voc Rehab Transition Team
High school students (aged 14-22) with a disability can gain work experience and start thinking about life after high school. Voc Rehab's Transition Team can help with work experiences, careers, and training after high school. Services can include:
- Career assessment
- Job exploration
- Job shadows
- Mock interviews
- Resumes
- Self-advocacy
- Post-secondary exploration
Visit their website, call 802-888-5976 or email Thomas Brace at for more information. 7:45 am - 4:30 pm.
Transgender Youth
The UVM Children's Hospital Transgender Youth Program was created to support gender variant youth and their families, through a multi-disciplinary team of physicians and mental health providers. More information here.
Healthy Lamoille Valley
Resources and support for Lamoille area youth and families, Youth Prevention Council, youth leadership opportunities, family support resources, and community outreach. Visit their website or email