No one loves doing their taxes. But this year, it’s easier than ever if you use My Free Taxes.
That’s United Way’s free, online tax filing program. It lets U.S. tax filers who earned less than $84K last year file their federal and state taxes online -- for free. Since 2009, My Free Taxes has helped 1.45M people across America save $290M in tax prep fees and receive over $2.1B in refunds.
The secure software walks you through the filing process and screens for common tax deductions and credits you may be eligible for. In 2024, My Free Taxes helped people get $18.9M back in Earned Income Tax Credits, and $10.5M back in Child Tax Credits.
Other tax situations covered in My Free Taxes include:
· W-2 income
· Schedule C Self Employment
· Limited interest and dividend income reported on a 1099-INT or 1099-DIV
· Student education expenses, credits, or student loan interest
· Unemployment income
· Claiming the standard deduction
· Earned Income Tax Credit
· Child tax credits
· Child and dependent care expenses
If you need help, use the Help Line to talk to a real person trained by the IRS. And check out My Free Taxes’ tax guides for anyone who’s gone through a natural disaster, and for self-employed people, small businesses, gig workers and those running a home-based childcare center.
Best of all, it only takes about an hour, and you can file on your phone, tablet, or laptop. People always say doing your taxes is a chore. Prove them wrong this year! Go to MyFreeTaxes.com to get started today.